Una utilidad muy buena para los blogs es incluir un widget para que los usuarios puedan ver entradas aleatorias. Esto se consigue con Javascript y un enlace simple, una imagen o, como en este caso un boton.
Con un poco de codigo de CSS3, he diseñado este boton naranja tan chulo con efecto 'presionado', que haciendo click sobre el, te muestra un post al azar automaticamente. Para ponerlo en tu blog de Blogger, tan solo tienes que copiar el codigo de abajo y añadirlo en un gadget HTML, asi de sencillo
Con un poco de codigo de CSS3, he diseñado este boton naranja tan chulo con efecto 'presionado', que haciendo click sobre el, te muestra un post al azar automaticamente. Para ponerlo en tu blog de Blogger, tan solo tienes que copiar el codigo de abajo y añadirlo en un gadget HTML, asi de sencillo
Despues de presentarte un widget acordeón para blogger, os voy a dar a conocer un widget sencillo en el cual podreis utilizarlo como mejor os convenga. Este widget sirve para insertar manualmente los links de sus artículos que quieras mostrar por categorías, podrás aumentar las categorías y mostrar al momento que los usuarios le den un clic en su categoría.
En este widget se desplegara un cuadro en el cual les mostrara los nombres de los artículos que quieran dar a conocer y así obtener mas vistas de algunos post que tal vez los usuarios hayan pasado por alto.
En este widget se desplegara un cuadro en el cual les mostrara los nombres de los artículos que quieran dar a conocer y así obtener mas vistas de algunos post que tal vez los usuarios hayan pasado por alto.
Índice de entradas Personalizable Vertical basado en Etiquetas
Hoy voy a mostrar cómo agregar un índice de las entradas a una página del blog. Tiene muchas opciones de configuración para adaptarlo a vuestro propio diseño las cuales describiré a continuación.
Esta basado en las Etiquetas y lleva el atributo new, que te indica cuales la pagina nueva que se ha editado últimamente se puede ver todas en una Pagina.
Como veis en la imagen, En la izquierda están las Etiquetas y a la derecha el Nombre de la entrada
Después de ver la demostración si Quieres añadirlo a tu blog sigue los pasos siguientes.
En primer lugar tenemos que crear una nueva página. Panel de Administración Páginas,Pagina Nueva, Página en blanco. El editor de la página se abrirá y ahora haga clic en la ficha HTML.
Una vez en la ficha HTML del editor de páginas, agregue el código siguiente
<style type="text/css">
#tabbed-toc {
margin:0 auto;
background-color:#252524; /*color fondo etiquetas*/
-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
#tabbed-toc .loading {
padding:5px 10px;
font:normal bold 10px Arial,Sans-Serif;
#tabbed-toc ul,
#tabbed-toc ol,
#tabbed-toc li {
margin:0 0;
padding:0 0;
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a {
font:normal bold 10px/28px Arial,Sans-Serif;
color:#ccc; /* color enlace etiqueta */
padding:0 12px;
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a:hover {
background-color:#4B4B4B; /* background de etiquetas */
color:white;} /* color enlace etiqueta con background */
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a.active-tab {
background-color:#ccc; /* background de la primera etiqueta */
color:white; /* color enlace primera etiqueta con background */
-webkit-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
-moz-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
margin:0 -1px 0 0;}
#tabbed-toc .toc-content,
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer {
background-color:#ffffff; /* color separación entre entradas */
border-left:5px solid #ccc; /* borde separación entre etiquetas y entradas */
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer {
-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);
box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);}
#tabbed-toc .panel {
font:normal normal 10px Arial,Sans-Serif;}
#tabbed-toc .panel li a {
color:#3A3A3A; /* color enlace de entradas */
padding:0 12px;
#tabbed-toc .panel li:nth-child(even) {
background-color:#DFDDDD;} /* primer color separación entre entradas */
#tabbed-toc .panel li:nth-child(even) {
#tabbed-toc .panel li a:hover,
#tabbed-toc .panel li a:focus,
#tabbed-toc .panel li.bold a {
background-color:#333; /* color background de las entradas */
color:white; /* color del enlace con el background de las entradas */
@media (max-width:700px) {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs,
#tabbed-toc .toc-content {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li {
#tabbed-toc .toc-content {
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer,
#tabbed-toc .panel li time {
<div id="tabbed-toc"><span class="loading">Loading...</span></div>
<a style="display:block;text-align:right;font:normal bold 8px Arial,Sans-Serif;text-decoration:none;margin:10px;" href="http://www.amorsevillista.com/" title="indice">Amor Sevillista</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabbedTOC = {
blogUrl: "https://famagblogfacil.blogspot.com.es", /* url de tu blog */
containerId: "tabbed-toc",
activeTab: 1,//()
numChars: 200,
newTabLink: true,
maxResults: 99999,
preload: 0,
sortAlphabetically: true,
showNew: 5,
newText: " - <em style='color:red;'>Nuevo!</em>"
<script src='https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54259066/indice.js
' type='text/javascript'></script>
#tabbed-toc {
margin:0 auto;
background-color:#252524; /*color fondo etiquetas*/
-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
#tabbed-toc .loading {
padding:5px 10px;
font:normal bold 10px Arial,Sans-Serif;
#tabbed-toc ul,
#tabbed-toc ol,
#tabbed-toc li {
margin:0 0;
padding:0 0;
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a {
font:normal bold 10px/28px Arial,Sans-Serif;
color:#ccc; /* color enlace etiqueta */
padding:0 12px;
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a:hover {
background-color:#4B4B4B; /* background de etiquetas */
color:white;} /* color enlace etiqueta con background */
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li a.active-tab {
background-color:#ccc; /* background de la primera etiqueta */
color:white; /* color enlace primera etiqueta con background */
-webkit-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
-moz-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
margin:0 -1px 0 0;}
#tabbed-toc .toc-content,
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer {
background-color:#ffffff; /* color separación entre entradas */
border-left:5px solid #ccc; /* borde separación entre etiquetas y entradas */
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer {
-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);
box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,.7);}
#tabbed-toc .panel {
font:normal normal 10px Arial,Sans-Serif;}
#tabbed-toc .panel li a {
color:#3A3A3A; /* color enlace de entradas */
padding:0 12px;
#tabbed-toc .panel li:nth-child(even) {
background-color:#DFDDDD;} /* primer color separación entre entradas */
#tabbed-toc .panel li:nth-child(even) {
#tabbed-toc .panel li a:hover,
#tabbed-toc .panel li a:focus,
#tabbed-toc .panel li.bold a {
background-color:#333; /* color background de las entradas */
color:white; /* color del enlace con el background de las entradas */
@media (max-width:700px) {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs,
#tabbed-toc .toc-content {
#tabbed-toc .toc-tabs li {
#tabbed-toc .toc-content {
#tabbed-toc .divider-layer,
#tabbed-toc .panel li time {
<div id="tabbed-toc"><span class="loading">Loading...</span></div>
<a style="display:block;text-align:right;font:normal bold 8px Arial,Sans-Serif;text-decoration:none;margin:10px;" href="http://www.amorsevillista.com/" title="indice">Amor Sevillista</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabbedTOC = {
blogUrl: "https://famagblogfacil.blogspot.com.es", /* url de tu blog */
containerId: "tabbed-toc",
activeTab: 1,//()
numChars: 200,
newTabLink: true,
maxResults: 99999,
preload: 0,
sortAlphabetically: true,
showNew: 5,
newText: " - <em style='color:red;'>Nuevo!</em>"
<script src='https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54259066/indice.js
' type='text/javascript'></script>
Ahora cambie la dirección URL en "Url de tu blog"
Puedes cambiar otros ajustes, lo he descrito brevemente en el código .
Después de realizar los cambios, guarda la página y enlázala en el menu o donde quieras, ahora ya puedes ver todo el contenido del blog en una sola página.
Fuente: amorsevillista
Publicado por:
Entradas populares con forma de cubo 3D
Todos los que utilizamos la plataforma de Blogger, conocemos el gadget de entradas populares, que nos informa de los articulos mas visitados de nuestro blog. El aspecto 'de casa' de este artilugio es un poquito simple, pero siempre se puede rediseñar como ya os he mostrado en otras tantas entradas. En este caso lo vamos a 'convertir' en un cubo que ira girando con efecto 3D, mostrando los posts en cada una de sus caras.
Para instalarlo en el blog, obviamente debemos tener el gadget de entradas populares, marcando solamente la casilla de imagen en miniatura,
Despues, deberemos copiar el siguiente codigo y pegarlo en un gadget HTML/Javascript y situarlo encima del anterior, como podeis observar en la imagen de la izquierda. Guardamos los cambios y la disposicion y ya lo tenemos. Facilito ¿Verdad? Si lo deseais, podeis ver una demo en el Sidebar en entradas Populares
<style type="text/css">
.cube { width: 200px; height: 200px;margin: 0 auto;}
a img { border: none; }
#linksCube img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict
/* Image cube manager. */
function ImageCube() {
this._defaults = {
direction: 'random', // Direction of rotation: random|up|down|left|right
randomSelection: ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'], // If direction is random, select one of these
speed: 1000, // Time taken (milliseconds) to transition
easing: 'linear', // Name of the easing to use during transitions
repeat: true, // True to automatically trigger a new transition after a pause
pause: 1000, // Time (milliseconds) between transitions
selection: 'forward', // How to choose the next item to show:
// 'forward', 'backward', 'random'
shading: true, // True to add shading effects, false for no effects
opacity: 0.8, // Maximum opacity (0.0 - 1.0) for highlights and shadows
imagePath: '', // Any extra path to locate the highlight/shadow images
full3D: true, // True to add cubic perspective, false for 2D rotation
segments: 20, // The number of segments that make up each 3D face
reduction: 30, // The amount (pixels) of reduction for far edges of the cube
expansion: 10, // The amount (pixels) of expansion for the near edge of the cube
lineHeight: [0.0, 1.25], // Hidden and normal line height (em) for text
letterSpacing: [-0.4, 0.0], // Hidden and normal letter spacing (em) for text
beforeRotate: null, // Callback before rotating
afterRotate: null // Callback after rotating
var UP = 0;
var DOWN = 1;
var LEFT = 2;
var RIGHT = 3;
var PROP_NAME = 'imageCube';
$.extend(ImageCube.prototype, {
/* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with image cube. */
markerClassName: 'hasImageCube',
/* Override the default settings for all image cube instances.
@param options (object) the new settings to use as defaults */
setDefaults: function(options) {
extendRemove(this._defaults, options || {});
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the settings for this image cube instance (optional) */
_attachImageCube: function(target, options) {
target = $(target);
if (target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var allOptions = $.extend({_position: target.css('position')},
this._defaults, options || {});
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, allOptions);
target.addClass(this.markerClassName).css({position: 'relative'}).
children().each(function() {
var child = $(this);
$.data(this, PROP_NAME,
{width: child.css('width'), height: child.css('height'),
position: child.css('position'), lineHeight: child.css('lineHeight'),
letterSpacing: child.css('letterSpacing')});
child.css({width: target.css('width'), height: target.css('height'),
position: 'absolute', lineHeight: allOptions.lineHeight[1],
letterSpacing: allOptions.letterSpacing[1]});
/* Note current visible child and schedule a repeat rotation (if required).
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareRotation: function(target) {
target = $(target);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
options.current = target.children(':visible')[0];
var randomSelection = function(collection) {
return (!collection.length ? collection : collection.filter(
':eq(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * collection.length) + ')'));
options.next = (options.selection == 'random' ?
randomSelection(target.children(':hidden')) :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? $(options.current).prev() :
options.next = (options.next.length ? options.next :
(options.selection == 'random' ? options.current :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? target.children(':last') :
target.children(':first'))))[0]; // Cycle around if at the end
if (options.repeat && !options._timer) {
options._timer = setTimeout(function() {
$.imagecube._rotateImageCube(target[0]); },
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, options);
/* Rotate the image cube to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param next (jQuery or element or string or number) next face to show (optional)
@param callback (function) a function to call when finished with the rotation (optional) */
_rotateImageCube: function(target, next, callback) {
if (typeof next == 'function') {
callback = next;
next = '';
target = $(target);
this._stopImageCube(target[0], true);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
if (next != null) {
next = (typeof next == 'number' ? target.children(':eq(' + next + ')') : $(next));
if (target.children().filter(function() { return this === next[0]; }).length > 0) {
options.next = next;
var callbackArgs = [options.current, options.next];
if (options.beforeRotate) {
options.beforeRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
var animTo = {};
animTo[PROP_NAME] = 1.0;
target.attr(PROP_NAME, 0.0).animate(animTo, options.speed, options.easing,
function() {
if (options.afterRotate) {
options.afterRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
if (callback) {
/* Retrieve the currently visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the currently displayed child of target division */
_currentImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).current : null);
/* Retrieve the next visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the next to be displayed child of target division */
_nextImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).next : null);
/* Stop the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param timerOnly (boolean) true if only temporarily stopping (optional) */
_stopImageCube: function(target, timerOnly) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (options._timer) {
options._timer = null;
if (!timerOnly) {
options.repeat = false;
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, options);
/* Start the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_startImageCube: function(target) {
this._changeImageCube(target, {repeat: true});
/* Reconfigure the settings for an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the new settings for this image cube instance or
(string) the name of the setting
@param value (any, optional) the value of the setting */
_changeImageCube: function(target, options, value) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var opts = {};
opts[options] = value;
options = opts;
var curOptions = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
extendRemove(curOptions || {}, options || {});
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, curOptions);
/* Remove the image cube functionality from a div.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_destroyImageCube: function(target) {
target = $(target);
if (!target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
target.stop().css({position: options._position}).
target.children().each(function() {
$(this).css($.data(this, PROP_NAME)).show();
$.removeData(this, PROP_NAME);
$.removeData(target[0], PROP_NAME);
/* Prepare the image cube for animation.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareAnimation: function(target) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
var target = $(target);
var offset = {left: 0, top: 0};
target.parents().each(function() { // Check if this area is fixed
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.css('position') == 'fixed') {
offset.left -= $this.offset().left;
offset.top -= $this.offset().top;
return false;
var dims = {width: target.width(), height: target.height()};
var direction = (options.direction != 'random' ? options.direction :
options.randomSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.randomSelection.length)]);
direction = Math.max(0, $.inArray(direction, ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']));
options._curDirection = direction;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var leftRight = (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var firstOpacity = (upLeft ? 0 : options.opacity);
var pFrom = $(options.current);
var pTo = $(options.next);
// Calculate borders and padding for both elements
var border = [];
var parseBorders = function(p) {
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!$.browser.msie || p.css('border')) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
b[i] = p.css('border' + ['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'][i] + 'Width');
var extra = ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0);
b[i] = parseFloat(
{thin: 1 + extra, medium: 3 + extra, thick: 5 + extra}[b[i]] || b[i]);
return b;
border[0] = parseBorders(pFrom);
border[1] = parseBorders(pTo);
var pad = [];
pad[0] = [parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-bottom'))];
pad[1] = [parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-bottom'))];
var extras = [];
extras[0] = [($.boxModel ? border[0][0] + border[0][1] + pad[0][0] + pad[0][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[0][2] + border[0][3] + pad[0][2] + pad[0][3] : 0)];
extras[1] = [($.boxModel ? border[1][0] + border[1][1] + pad[1][0] + pad[1][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[1][2] + border[1][3] + pad[1][2] + pad[1][3] : 0)];
// Define the property ranges per element
var stepProps = [];
stepProps[0] = {elem: pFrom[0], // Currently displayed element
props: {left: {start: offset.left,
end: offset.left + (direction == RIGHT ? dims.width : 0), units: 'px'},
width: {start: dims.width - extras[0][0],
end: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[0][0] : 0), units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top,
end: offset.top + (direction == DOWN ? dims.height : 0), units: 'px'},
height: {start: dims.height - extras[0][1],
end: (upDown ? 0 : dims.height - extras[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: pad[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][0]), units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: pad[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: pad[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][2]), units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: pad[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][3]), units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: border[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][0]), units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: border[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][1]), units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: border[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][2]), units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: border[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][3]), units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: options.lineHeight[1],
end: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]), units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: options.letterSpacing[1],
end: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]), units: 'em'}}};
stepProps[1] = {elem: pTo[0], // New element to be displayed
props: {left: {start: offset.left + (direction == LEFT ? dims.width : 0),
end: offset.left, units: 'px'},
width: {start: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[1][0] : 0),
end: dims.width - extras[1][0], units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top + (direction == UP ? dims.height : 0),
end: offset.top, units: 'px'},
height: {start: (upDown ? ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0) : dims.height - extras[1][1]),
end : dims.height - extras[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][0]), end: pad[1][0], units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][1]), end: pad[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][2]), end: pad[1][2], units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][3]), end: pad[1][3], units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][0]), end: border[1][0], units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][1]), end: border[1][1], units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][2]), end: border[1][2], units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][3]), end: border[1][3], units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]),
end: options.lineHeight[1], units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]),
end: options.letterSpacing[1], units: 'em'}}};
if (options.shading) {
// Initialise highlight and shadow objects (or colours on IE)
var setHighShad = function(props, startOpacity, endOpacity) {
return {left: {start: props.left.start, end: props.left.end, units: 'px'},
width: {start: props.width.start, end: props.width.end, units: 'px'},
top: {start: props.top.start, end: props.top.end, units: 'px'},
height: {start: props.height.start, end: props.height.end, units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: props.paddingLeft.start + props.borderLeftWidth.start,
end: props.paddingLeft.end + props.borderLeftWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: props.paddingRight.start + props.borderRightWidth.start,
end: props.paddingRight.end + props.borderRightWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: props.paddingTop.start + props.borderTopWidth.start,
end: props.paddingTop.end + props.borderTopWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: props.paddingBottom.start + props.borderBottomWidth.start,
end: props.paddingBottom.end + props.borderBottomWidth.end, units: 'px'},
opacity: {start: startOpacity, end: endOpacity, units: ''}};
stepProps[2] = {elem: // Highlight shading (up/left)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeHigh.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: white; opacity: ' +
firstOpacity + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 0 : 1].props,
firstOpacity, options.opacity - firstOpacity)};
stepProps[3] = {elem: // Shadow shading (down/right)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeShad.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: black; opacity: ' +
(options.opacity - firstOpacity) + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 1 : 0].props,
options.opacity - firstOpacity, firstOpacity)};
// Set up full 3D rotation
if (options.full3D) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 2 : 3].elem).clone());
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', width: 0, overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 3 : 2].elem).clone());
pTo.css({width: dims.width - extras[1][0], height: dims.height - extras[1][1]});
else {
// Initialise from and to objects
var initCSS = function(props) {
return {left: props.left.start + 'px', width: props.width.start + 'px',
top: props.top.start + 'px', height: props.height.start + 'px',
lineHeight: props.lineHeight.start + 'em',
padding: props.paddingTop.start + 'px ' + props.paddingRight.start + 'px ' +
props.paddingBottom.start + 'px ' + props.paddingLeft.start + 'px',
borderLeftWidth: props.borderLeftWidth.start + 'px',
borderRightWidth: props.borderRightWidth.start + 'px',
borderTopWidth: props.borderTopWidth.start + 'px',
borderBottomWidth: props.borderBottomWidth.start + 'px',
letterSpacing: props.letterSpacing.start + 'em', overflow: 'hidden'};
if (options.shading) {
// Pre-compute differences
for (var i = 0; i < stepProps.length; i++) {
for (var name in stepProps[i].props) {
var prop = stepProps[i].props[name];
prop.diff = prop.end - prop.start;
return stepProps;
/* Draw one panel of the 3D perspective view of the cube.
@param target (element) the container
@param pos (number) the current position (0.0 - 1.0)
@param stepProps (object[]) details about the items being animated
@return (boolean) true if drawn in 3D, false if not */
_drawFull3D: function(target, pos, stepProps) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (!options.full3D) {
return false;
var target = $(target);
var direction = options._curDirection;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var width = target.width();
var height = target.height();
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
var current = (1 - pos) * (upDown ? height : width);
var segments = options.segments;
var maxExpand = options.expansion * (1 - Math.abs(2 * current - (upDown ? height : width)) /
(upDown ? height : width));
var maxReduce = options.reduction - (options.reduction * current / (upDown ? height : width));
var update = function(className, al, at, bl, bt, cl, ct, dl, dt, opacity, props, attr) {
var ws = [bl - al, cl - dl];
var w = Math.max(ws[0], ws[1]);
var hs = [dt - at, ct - bt];
var h = Math.max(hs[0], hs[1]);
var wStep = (upDown ? (ws[0] - ws[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2 : w / segments);
var hStep = (upDown ? h / segments : (hs[0] - hs[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2);
var pbw = props.paddingLeft[attr] + props.paddingRight[attr] +
props.borderLeftWidth[attr] + props.borderRightWidth[attr];
var pbh = props.paddingTop[attr] + props.paddingBottom[attr] +
props.borderTopWidth[attr] + props.borderBottomWidth[attr];
var ral = Math.round(al);
var rat = Math.round(at);
var thisLeft = ral;
var thisTop = rat;
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < target[0].childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = target[0].childNodes[j];
if (child.className != className) {
var nextLeft = Math.round(al + (i + 1) * wStep);
var nextTop = Math.round(at + (i + 1) * hStep);
var wCur = ws[0] - (upDown ? 2 * i * wStep : 0);
var hCur = hs[0] - (upDown ? 0 : 2 * i * hStep);
child.style.left = (upDown ? thisLeft : al) + 'px';
child.style.top = (upDown ? at : thisTop) + 'px';
child.style.width = Math.max(0, wCur - pbw) + 'px';
child.style.height = Math.max(0, hCur - pbh) + 'px';
child.style.letterSpacing = (upDown ? wCur / w * (options.letterSpacing[1] -
options.letterSpacing[0]) + options.letterSpacing[0] :
pos * props.letterSpacing.diff + props.letterSpacing.start) +
child.style.lineHeight = (!upDown ? hCur / h * (options.lineHeight[1] -
options.lineHeight[0]) + options.lineHeight[0] :
pos * props.lineHeight.diff + props.lineHeight.start) +
child.style.clip = 'rect(' + (!upDown ? 'auto' : (thisTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (nextLeft - ral) + 'px') + ',' +
(!upDown ? 'auto' : (nextTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (thisLeft - ral) + 'px') + ')';
if (options.shading) {
var shading = child.nextSibling;
shading.style.left = thisLeft + 'px';
shading.style.top = thisTop + 'px';
shading.style.width = (upDown ? ws[0] - 2 * i * wStep : nextLeft - thisLeft) + 'px';
shading.style.height = (upDown ? nextTop - thisTop : hs[0] - 2 * i * hStep) + 'px';
shading.style.opacity = opacity;
if ($.browser.msie) {
shading.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100) + ')';
thisLeft = nextLeft;
thisTop = nextTop;
[maxReduce, -maxExpand, 0, width - current][direction], // top left
[0, height - current, maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - maxReduce, width + maxExpand, current, width][direction], // top right
[0, height - current, -maxExpand, maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - maxReduce, current, width][direction], // bottom right
[current, height, height + maxExpand, height - maxReduce][direction],
[-maxExpand, maxReduce, 0, width - current][direction], // bottom left
[current, height, height - maxReduce, height + maxExpand][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[2].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[2].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[0].props, 'start');
[-maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce, current, 0][direction], // top left
[current, 0, -maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width, width - current][direction], // top right
[current, 0, options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width + maxExpand, width, width - current][direction], // bottom right
[height, height - current, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce), height + maxExpand][direction],
[options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand, current, 0][direction], // bottom left
[height, height - current, height + maxExpand, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce)][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[3].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[3].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[1].props, 'end');
return true;
/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
@param target (object) the object to extend
@param props (object) the attributes to modify
@return (object) the updated target */
function extendRemove(target, props) {
$.extend(target, props);
for (var name in props) {
if (props[name] == null) {
target[name] = null;
return target;
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a jQuery selection.
@param command (string) the command to run (optional, default 'attach')
@param options (object) the new settings to use for these image cube instances
@return (jQuery) for chaining further calls */
$.fn.imagecube = function(options) {
var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (options == 'current' || options == 'next') {
return $.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
$.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this].concat(otherArgs));
else {
$.imagecube._attachImageCube(this, options);
/* Enable synchronised animation for all of the image cube properties.
@param fx (object) the effects instance to animate */
$.fx.step[PROP_NAME] = function(fx) {
if (fx.state == 0 || !fx.stepProps) { // Initialisation
fx.start = 0.0;
fx.end = 1.0;
fx.stepProps = $.imagecube._prepareAnimation(fx.elem);
var elem = fx.stepProps[0].elem;
fx.saveCSS = {borderLeftWidth: elem.style.borderLeftWidth,
borderRightWidth: elem.style.borderRightWidth,
borderTopWidth: elem.style.borderTopWidth,
borderBottomWidth: elem.style.borderBottomWidth,
padding: elem.style.padding};
if (!$.imagecube._drawFull3D(fx.elem, fx.pos, fx.stepProps)) {
for (var i = 0; i < fx.stepProps.length; i++) { // Update all elements
var comp = fx.stepProps[i];
for (var name in comp.props) { // Update all properties
var prop = comp.props[name];
comp.elem.style[name] = (fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) + prop.units;
if ($.browser.msie && name == 'opacity') {
comp.elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' +
((fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) * 100) + ')';
if (fx.state == 1) { // Tidy up afterwards
/* Initialise the image cube functionality. */
$.imagecube = new ImageCube(); // singleton instance
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
$('.popular-posts ul').abupopularcube();
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(0($){$.h.j=0(){4 a=[];$6=$(\'.2-3 k\');a.5(\'<7 l="8" m="n o">\');$(9).1(\'p\').q(0(){a.5($(9).1(\'.r-s\').t())});a.5(\'</7>\');$6.u(a.v(\'\'));4 b=$(\'.2-3\').1("d");b.f("w");b.f("x");4 c=$(\'.2-3\').1("a");c.g("y","");$(\'.2-3\').1("d").g(\'z\',0(i,e){A e.B("C-c","D")})}})(E);$(0(){$(\'#8\').F()});',42,42,'function|find|popular|posts|var|push|list|div|linksCube|this||||img||removeAttr|attr|fn||abupopularcube|ul|id|class|cube|repeatingCube|li|each|item|thumbnail|html|replaceWith|join|width|height|target|src|return|replace|s72|s300|jQuery|imagecube'.split('|'),0,{}))
.cube { width: 200px; height: 200px;margin: 0 auto;}
a img { border: none; }
#linksCube img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict
/* Image cube manager. */
function ImageCube() {
this._defaults = {
direction: 'random', // Direction of rotation: random|up|down|left|right
randomSelection: ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'], // If direction is random, select one of these
speed: 1000, // Time taken (milliseconds) to transition
easing: 'linear', // Name of the easing to use during transitions
repeat: true, // True to automatically trigger a new transition after a pause
pause: 1000, // Time (milliseconds) between transitions
selection: 'forward', // How to choose the next item to show:
// 'forward', 'backward', 'random'
shading: true, // True to add shading effects, false for no effects
opacity: 0.8, // Maximum opacity (0.0 - 1.0) for highlights and shadows
imagePath: '', // Any extra path to locate the highlight/shadow images
full3D: true, // True to add cubic perspective, false for 2D rotation
segments: 20, // The number of segments that make up each 3D face
reduction: 30, // The amount (pixels) of reduction for far edges of the cube
expansion: 10, // The amount (pixels) of expansion for the near edge of the cube
lineHeight: [0.0, 1.25], // Hidden and normal line height (em) for text
letterSpacing: [-0.4, 0.0], // Hidden and normal letter spacing (em) for text
beforeRotate: null, // Callback before rotating
afterRotate: null // Callback after rotating
var UP = 0;
var DOWN = 1;
var LEFT = 2;
var RIGHT = 3;
var PROP_NAME = 'imageCube';
$.extend(ImageCube.prototype, {
/* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with image cube. */
markerClassName: 'hasImageCube',
/* Override the default settings for all image cube instances.
@param options (object) the new settings to use as defaults */
setDefaults: function(options) {
extendRemove(this._defaults, options || {});
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the settings for this image cube instance (optional) */
_attachImageCube: function(target, options) {
target = $(target);
if (target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var allOptions = $.extend({_position: target.css('position')},
this._defaults, options || {});
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, allOptions);
target.addClass(this.markerClassName).css({position: 'relative'}).
children().each(function() {
var child = $(this);
$.data(this, PROP_NAME,
{width: child.css('width'), height: child.css('height'),
position: child.css('position'), lineHeight: child.css('lineHeight'),
letterSpacing: child.css('letterSpacing')});
child.css({width: target.css('width'), height: target.css('height'),
position: 'absolute', lineHeight: allOptions.lineHeight[1],
letterSpacing: allOptions.letterSpacing[1]});
/* Note current visible child and schedule a repeat rotation (if required).
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareRotation: function(target) {
target = $(target);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
options.current = target.children(':visible')[0];
var randomSelection = function(collection) {
return (!collection.length ? collection : collection.filter(
':eq(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * collection.length) + ')'));
options.next = (options.selection == 'random' ?
randomSelection(target.children(':hidden')) :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? $(options.current).prev() :
options.next = (options.next.length ? options.next :
(options.selection == 'random' ? options.current :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? target.children(':last') :
target.children(':first'))))[0]; // Cycle around if at the end
if (options.repeat && !options._timer) {
options._timer = setTimeout(function() {
$.imagecube._rotateImageCube(target[0]); },
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, options);
/* Rotate the image cube to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param next (jQuery or element or string or number) next face to show (optional)
@param callback (function) a function to call when finished with the rotation (optional) */
_rotateImageCube: function(target, next, callback) {
if (typeof next == 'function') {
callback = next;
next = '';
target = $(target);
this._stopImageCube(target[0], true);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
if (next != null) {
next = (typeof next == 'number' ? target.children(':eq(' + next + ')') : $(next));
if (target.children().filter(function() { return this === next[0]; }).length > 0) {
options.next = next;
var callbackArgs = [options.current, options.next];
if (options.beforeRotate) {
options.beforeRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
var animTo = {};
animTo[PROP_NAME] = 1.0;
target.attr(PROP_NAME, 0.0).animate(animTo, options.speed, options.easing,
function() {
if (options.afterRotate) {
options.afterRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
if (callback) {
/* Retrieve the currently visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the currently displayed child of target division */
_currentImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).current : null);
/* Retrieve the next visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the next to be displayed child of target division */
_nextImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).next : null);
/* Stop the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param timerOnly (boolean) true if only temporarily stopping (optional) */
_stopImageCube: function(target, timerOnly) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (options._timer) {
options._timer = null;
if (!timerOnly) {
options.repeat = false;
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, options);
/* Start the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_startImageCube: function(target) {
this._changeImageCube(target, {repeat: true});
/* Reconfigure the settings for an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the new settings for this image cube instance or
(string) the name of the setting
@param value (any, optional) the value of the setting */
_changeImageCube: function(target, options, value) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var opts = {};
opts[options] = value;
options = opts;
var curOptions = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
extendRemove(curOptions || {}, options || {});
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, curOptions);
/* Remove the image cube functionality from a div.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_destroyImageCube: function(target) {
target = $(target);
if (!target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
target.stop().css({position: options._position}).
target.children().each(function() {
$(this).css($.data(this, PROP_NAME)).show();
$.removeData(this, PROP_NAME);
$.removeData(target[0], PROP_NAME);
/* Prepare the image cube for animation.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareAnimation: function(target) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
var target = $(target);
var offset = {left: 0, top: 0};
target.parents().each(function() { // Check if this area is fixed
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.css('position') == 'fixed') {
offset.left -= $this.offset().left;
offset.top -= $this.offset().top;
return false;
var dims = {width: target.width(), height: target.height()};
var direction = (options.direction != 'random' ? options.direction :
options.randomSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.randomSelection.length)]);
direction = Math.max(0, $.inArray(direction, ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']));
options._curDirection = direction;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var leftRight = (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var firstOpacity = (upLeft ? 0 : options.opacity);
var pFrom = $(options.current);
var pTo = $(options.next);
// Calculate borders and padding for both elements
var border = [];
var parseBorders = function(p) {
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!$.browser.msie || p.css('border')) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
b[i] = p.css('border' + ['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'][i] + 'Width');
var extra = ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0);
b[i] = parseFloat(
{thin: 1 + extra, medium: 3 + extra, thick: 5 + extra}[b[i]] || b[i]);
return b;
border[0] = parseBorders(pFrom);
border[1] = parseBorders(pTo);
var pad = [];
pad[0] = [parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-bottom'))];
pad[1] = [parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-bottom'))];
var extras = [];
extras[0] = [($.boxModel ? border[0][0] + border[0][1] + pad[0][0] + pad[0][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[0][2] + border[0][3] + pad[0][2] + pad[0][3] : 0)];
extras[1] = [($.boxModel ? border[1][0] + border[1][1] + pad[1][0] + pad[1][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[1][2] + border[1][3] + pad[1][2] + pad[1][3] : 0)];
// Define the property ranges per element
var stepProps = [];
stepProps[0] = {elem: pFrom[0], // Currently displayed element
props: {left: {start: offset.left,
end: offset.left + (direction == RIGHT ? dims.width : 0), units: 'px'},
width: {start: dims.width - extras[0][0],
end: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[0][0] : 0), units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top,
end: offset.top + (direction == DOWN ? dims.height : 0), units: 'px'},
height: {start: dims.height - extras[0][1],
end: (upDown ? 0 : dims.height - extras[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: pad[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][0]), units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: pad[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: pad[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][2]), units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: pad[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][3]), units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: border[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][0]), units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: border[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][1]), units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: border[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][2]), units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: border[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][3]), units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: options.lineHeight[1],
end: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]), units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: options.letterSpacing[1],
end: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]), units: 'em'}}};
stepProps[1] = {elem: pTo[0], // New element to be displayed
props: {left: {start: offset.left + (direction == LEFT ? dims.width : 0),
end: offset.left, units: 'px'},
width: {start: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[1][0] : 0),
end: dims.width - extras[1][0], units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top + (direction == UP ? dims.height : 0),
end: offset.top, units: 'px'},
height: {start: (upDown ? ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0) : dims.height - extras[1][1]),
end : dims.height - extras[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][0]), end: pad[1][0], units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][1]), end: pad[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][2]), end: pad[1][2], units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][3]), end: pad[1][3], units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][0]), end: border[1][0], units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][1]), end: border[1][1], units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][2]), end: border[1][2], units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][3]), end: border[1][3], units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]),
end: options.lineHeight[1], units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]),
end: options.letterSpacing[1], units: 'em'}}};
if (options.shading) {
// Initialise highlight and shadow objects (or colours on IE)
var setHighShad = function(props, startOpacity, endOpacity) {
return {left: {start: props.left.start, end: props.left.end, units: 'px'},
width: {start: props.width.start, end: props.width.end, units: 'px'},
top: {start: props.top.start, end: props.top.end, units: 'px'},
height: {start: props.height.start, end: props.height.end, units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: props.paddingLeft.start + props.borderLeftWidth.start,
end: props.paddingLeft.end + props.borderLeftWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: props.paddingRight.start + props.borderRightWidth.start,
end: props.paddingRight.end + props.borderRightWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: props.paddingTop.start + props.borderTopWidth.start,
end: props.paddingTop.end + props.borderTopWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: props.paddingBottom.start + props.borderBottomWidth.start,
end: props.paddingBottom.end + props.borderBottomWidth.end, units: 'px'},
opacity: {start: startOpacity, end: endOpacity, units: ''}};
stepProps[2] = {elem: // Highlight shading (up/left)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeHigh.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: white; opacity: ' +
firstOpacity + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 0 : 1].props,
firstOpacity, options.opacity - firstOpacity)};
stepProps[3] = {elem: // Shadow shading (down/right)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeShad.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: black; opacity: ' +
(options.opacity - firstOpacity) + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 1 : 0].props,
options.opacity - firstOpacity, firstOpacity)};
// Set up full 3D rotation
if (options.full3D) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 2 : 3].elem).clone());
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', width: 0, overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 3 : 2].elem).clone());
pTo.css({width: dims.width - extras[1][0], height: dims.height - extras[1][1]});
else {
// Initialise from and to objects
var initCSS = function(props) {
return {left: props.left.start + 'px', width: props.width.start + 'px',
top: props.top.start + 'px', height: props.height.start + 'px',
lineHeight: props.lineHeight.start + 'em',
padding: props.paddingTop.start + 'px ' + props.paddingRight.start + 'px ' +
props.paddingBottom.start + 'px ' + props.paddingLeft.start + 'px',
borderLeftWidth: props.borderLeftWidth.start + 'px',
borderRightWidth: props.borderRightWidth.start + 'px',
borderTopWidth: props.borderTopWidth.start + 'px',
borderBottomWidth: props.borderBottomWidth.start + 'px',
letterSpacing: props.letterSpacing.start + 'em', overflow: 'hidden'};
if (options.shading) {
// Pre-compute differences
for (var i = 0; i < stepProps.length; i++) {
for (var name in stepProps[i].props) {
var prop = stepProps[i].props[name];
prop.diff = prop.end - prop.start;
return stepProps;
/* Draw one panel of the 3D perspective view of the cube.
@param target (element) the container
@param pos (number) the current position (0.0 - 1.0)
@param stepProps (object[]) details about the items being animated
@return (boolean) true if drawn in 3D, false if not */
_drawFull3D: function(target, pos, stepProps) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (!options.full3D) {
return false;
var target = $(target);
var direction = options._curDirection;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var width = target.width();
var height = target.height();
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
var current = (1 - pos) * (upDown ? height : width);
var segments = options.segments;
var maxExpand = options.expansion * (1 - Math.abs(2 * current - (upDown ? height : width)) /
(upDown ? height : width));
var maxReduce = options.reduction - (options.reduction * current / (upDown ? height : width));
var update = function(className, al, at, bl, bt, cl, ct, dl, dt, opacity, props, attr) {
var ws = [bl - al, cl - dl];
var w = Math.max(ws[0], ws[1]);
var hs = [dt - at, ct - bt];
var h = Math.max(hs[0], hs[1]);
var wStep = (upDown ? (ws[0] - ws[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2 : w / segments);
var hStep = (upDown ? h / segments : (hs[0] - hs[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2);
var pbw = props.paddingLeft[attr] + props.paddingRight[attr] +
props.borderLeftWidth[attr] + props.borderRightWidth[attr];
var pbh = props.paddingTop[attr] + props.paddingBottom[attr] +
props.borderTopWidth[attr] + props.borderBottomWidth[attr];
var ral = Math.round(al);
var rat = Math.round(at);
var thisLeft = ral;
var thisTop = rat;
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < target[0].childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = target[0].childNodes[j];
if (child.className != className) {
var nextLeft = Math.round(al + (i + 1) * wStep);
var nextTop = Math.round(at + (i + 1) * hStep);
var wCur = ws[0] - (upDown ? 2 * i * wStep : 0);
var hCur = hs[0] - (upDown ? 0 : 2 * i * hStep);
child.style.left = (upDown ? thisLeft : al) + 'px';
child.style.top = (upDown ? at : thisTop) + 'px';
child.style.width = Math.max(0, wCur - pbw) + 'px';
child.style.height = Math.max(0, hCur - pbh) + 'px';
child.style.letterSpacing = (upDown ? wCur / w * (options.letterSpacing[1] -
options.letterSpacing[0]) + options.letterSpacing[0] :
pos * props.letterSpacing.diff + props.letterSpacing.start) +
child.style.lineHeight = (!upDown ? hCur / h * (options.lineHeight[1] -
options.lineHeight[0]) + options.lineHeight[0] :
pos * props.lineHeight.diff + props.lineHeight.start) +
child.style.clip = 'rect(' + (!upDown ? 'auto' : (thisTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (nextLeft - ral) + 'px') + ',' +
(!upDown ? 'auto' : (nextTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (thisLeft - ral) + 'px') + ')';
if (options.shading) {
var shading = child.nextSibling;
shading.style.left = thisLeft + 'px';
shading.style.top = thisTop + 'px';
shading.style.width = (upDown ? ws[0] - 2 * i * wStep : nextLeft - thisLeft) + 'px';
shading.style.height = (upDown ? nextTop - thisTop : hs[0] - 2 * i * hStep) + 'px';
shading.style.opacity = opacity;
if ($.browser.msie) {
shading.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100) + ')';
thisLeft = nextLeft;
thisTop = nextTop;
[maxReduce, -maxExpand, 0, width - current][direction], // top left
[0, height - current, maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - maxReduce, width + maxExpand, current, width][direction], // top right
[0, height - current, -maxExpand, maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - maxReduce, current, width][direction], // bottom right
[current, height, height + maxExpand, height - maxReduce][direction],
[-maxExpand, maxReduce, 0, width - current][direction], // bottom left
[current, height, height - maxReduce, height + maxExpand][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[2].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[2].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[0].props, 'start');
[-maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce, current, 0][direction], // top left
[current, 0, -maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width, width - current][direction], // top right
[current, 0, options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width + maxExpand, width, width - current][direction], // bottom right
[height, height - current, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce), height + maxExpand][direction],
[options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand, current, 0][direction], // bottom left
[height, height - current, height + maxExpand, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce)][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[3].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[3].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[1].props, 'end');
return true;
/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
@param target (object) the object to extend
@param props (object) the attributes to modify
@return (object) the updated target */
function extendRemove(target, props) {
$.extend(target, props);
for (var name in props) {
if (props[name] == null) {
target[name] = null;
return target;
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a jQuery selection.
@param command (string) the command to run (optional, default 'attach')
@param options (object) the new settings to use for these image cube instances
@return (jQuery) for chaining further calls */
$.fn.imagecube = function(options) {
var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (options == 'current' || options == 'next') {
return $.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
$.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this].concat(otherArgs));
else {
$.imagecube._attachImageCube(this, options);
/* Enable synchronised animation for all of the image cube properties.
@param fx (object) the effects instance to animate */
$.fx.step[PROP_NAME] = function(fx) {
if (fx.state == 0 || !fx.stepProps) { // Initialisation
fx.start = 0.0;
fx.end = 1.0;
fx.stepProps = $.imagecube._prepareAnimation(fx.elem);
var elem = fx.stepProps[0].elem;
fx.saveCSS = {borderLeftWidth: elem.style.borderLeftWidth,
borderRightWidth: elem.style.borderRightWidth,
borderTopWidth: elem.style.borderTopWidth,
borderBottomWidth: elem.style.borderBottomWidth,
padding: elem.style.padding};
if (!$.imagecube._drawFull3D(fx.elem, fx.pos, fx.stepProps)) {
for (var i = 0; i < fx.stepProps.length; i++) { // Update all elements
var comp = fx.stepProps[i];
for (var name in comp.props) { // Update all properties
var prop = comp.props[name];
comp.elem.style[name] = (fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) + prop.units;
if ($.browser.msie && name == 'opacity') {
comp.elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' +
((fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) * 100) + ')';
if (fx.state == 1) { // Tidy up afterwards
/* Initialise the image cube functionality. */
$.imagecube = new ImageCube(); // singleton instance
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
$('.popular-posts ul').abupopularcube();
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(0($){$.h.j=0(){4 a=[];$6=$(\'.2-3 k\');a.5(\'<7 l="8" m="n o">\');$(9).1(\'p\').q(0(){a.5($(9).1(\'.r-s\').t())});a.5(\'</7>\');$6.u(a.v(\'\'));4 b=$(\'.2-3\').1("d");b.f("w");b.f("x");4 c=$(\'.2-3\').1("a");c.g("y","");$(\'.2-3\').1("d").g(\'z\',0(i,e){A e.B("C-c","D")})}})(E);$(0(){$(\'#8\').F()});',42,42,'function|find|popular|posts|var|push|list|div|linksCube|this||||img||removeAttr|attr|fn||abupopularcube|ul|id|class|cube|repeatingCube|li|each|item|thumbnail|html|replaceWith|join|width|height|target|src|return|replace|s72|s300|jQuery|imagecube'.split('|'),0,{}))
Esto es todo.
Ahora mira en el blog y veras el cubo.
Fuente: redeando
Fecha: 09/03/2017
Publicado por: